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For whom?

Applications can be made by doctoral researchers, who are at least in the second year of their studies (during the envisaged stay), postdoctoral researchers and senior researchers. The research should thematically fall within one the ACIL research themes or projects. Sufficient knowledge of the English language is required.

The duration is, in principle, three months, during the academic year (i.e. September - June). 


Visiting researchers will be part of the ACIL research community. They receive: 

  • access to all ACIL activities, including lecture series, luncheons, research meetings, and conferences
  • access to the (digital) library of the University of Amsterdam 
  • a working space, depending on availability (own laptop is advisable) 
  • access to UvA digital services
  • interaction with one or more members of the ACIL, consisting of a limited number of meetings

Visitors are expected to

  • actively engage in ACIL activities
  • give a presentation on (the findings of) their research project
  • mention ACIL in any publications resulting from or having worked on during their stay

Please note: The stays are self-funded. No support can be given on housing.

Application Procedure

Applicants should send the following documents to with reference ‘Application Visiting Fellowship’ (one or several PDF files): 

  1. motivation letter of 500 words max., setting out the reasons for conducting a visiting fellowship at the ACIL, the preferred starting date and duration of stay, and the name(s) of member(s) of the ACIL;*
  2. description of intended research of 1.000 words max., including research outline and link with one of the research areas of the ACIL;
  3. CV (including a list of publications and the names of two references).

It is not required to first approach or send the application materials to a member of the ACIL. Applicants are however advised to include the name(s) of ACIL members with whom they would like to discuss their research during their stay. Please consult the profile pages of ACIL members under ‘Staff’.

Application Deadlines

There are two deadlines throughout the academic year:

  • for stays during the first semester (September - January): 1 March
  • for stays during the second semester (February - June): 1 September

Decisions about applications are made within two months after the application deadlines by the ACIL Board. The decision will be based on the quality of the application and is dependent on the availability of working space for the desired period.