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Dr. R. (Rosanne) van Alebeek

Associate Professor

K. (Kanad) Bagchi

Postdoctoral Researcher

Prof. mr. dr. C.M. (Catherine) Brölmann

International organizations; International lawmaking; global freshwater resources; interaction of legal orders and regimes; general public international law

Dr. E.T. (Eliana) Cusato

socio-ecological inequalities, structural violence, political ecology, political economy, climate justice

Prof. dr. Y.M. (Yvonne) Donders

Professor of International Human Rights and Cultural Diversity

Z. (Zhonghua) Du

transnational corporations, climate change, discourse analysis, history of international law, international legal theory

Prof. dr. P.A.L. (Paul) Ducheine

Professor of Military Law of Cyber Security and Cyber Operations

Prof. T.D. (Terry) Gill

Professor of Military Law

M.K. (Miriam) Heipertz

PhD Researcher

B.P. (Baine) Kerr

Postdoctoral Researcher

Dr. H.E. (Hege Elisabeth) Kjos

Assistant Professor

Mr. M. (Merle) Kooijman MA

PhD Researcher

Prof. mr. dr. R.J.M. (René) Lefeber

Professor of International Environmental Law

Dr. A. (Andrea) Leiter PhD

Technology enabled governance, private ordering, value practices, sustainable development, climate finance

Dr T.S.F. (Tim) Lindgren

Postdoctoral Researcher

Dr J.A.P. (Johanna) Lorenzo

International (economic) law and sustainable development; International financial institutions; Development finance; Sovereign debt; Inequalities and international law

Mr. dr. N. (Natasa) Nedeski

Assistant Professor

Prof. mr. dr. J.E. (Janne) Nijman

Professor of History and Theory of International Law

Prof. mr. P.A. (André) Nollkaemper

Professor of Public International Law

Mr. dr. V. (Vid) Prislan

international investment law and arbitration; international responsibility for judicial acts; domestic law in international adjudication; domestic courts and international adjudication

Prof. dr. S.W.B. (Stephan) Schill LLM

international investment law, comparative public law, international arbitration, transnational public contracting, international dispute settlement

Prof. G.K. (Göran) Sluiter

Professor of International Criminal Law

Dr. K.J. (Kinga) Tibori Szabo

Senior Researcher

M.B. (Marc) Tiernan

PhD Researcher

Prof. I. (Ingo) Venzke

Law and Sustainability; International Economic Law; Legal History; Emission Trading; Dispute Settlement

Dr. G. (Geraldo) Vidigal

Assistant Professor

P.A. (Plixavra) Vogiatzoglou

fundamental rights; information law; security; quantum technologies; digital sovereignty

E.N.I.J. (Ellysia) van der Werf

Communications & Events Officer

Dr. M.J. (Margaretha) Wewerinke-Singh MA LLM

international human rights law, international climate change law, State responsibility, international dispute settlement, climate justice

Prof. dr. L. (Liesbeth) Zegveld

Professor of War Reparations

Prof. dr. M.Y.A. (Marjoleine) Zieck

International refugee law, UNHCR, durable solutions, historical development current refugee regime, supervisory function UNHCR

Prof. dr. M.C. (Marten) Zwanenburg

Professor of Military Law