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An event organized by the War Reparations Centre/ACIL and Syria Legal Network-NL
Kerngegevens van evenement Syria and the question of accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity
25 oktober 2017
14:00 -16:00

The presentation of work of the Commission is given in the context of the Faculty's research projects on Syria that include:
a) the Law Clinic research project on accountability for forced population transfer in Homs/Syria 
b) the Ten Legal Questions on the Syria Conflict-project, a special publication by UvA students and Syrian lawyers (forthcoming)
c) the Reader 'Access to Justice, International Legal Instruments' a collection of international instruments relevant to the Syrian conflict compiled by UvA students and members of the Syria Legal Network-NL.

After the meeting, drinks will be served at Pages, Arabic Bookstore on the Herengracht 603, Amsterdam:


Attendance and registration

Attendance is free, registration is appreciated. Please register by email to

Roeterseilandcampus - gebouw A

Ruimte A2.11
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam