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Raghavi Viswanath is a PhD researcher at the European University Institute in Florence and is a visiting researcher at ACIL for 3 months. Her doctoral project attempts to re-articulate cultural rights in the twin Covenants using Global South epistemologies. To this end, she's been undertaking collaborative fieldwork with the Irulars, a semi-nomadic community who are based in southern India. She hopes that this process of recasting Irular epistemologies can be instructive for other Global South communities. 

Raghavi obtained her primary degree in law from the National Law Institute University, Bhopal (India). She holds postgraduate degrees in law from the University of Oxford and Leiden Law School. Her areas of interest include socio-economic and cultural rights, international criminal law, cultural heritage law, and Fourth World approaches to international law. 

Alongside her PhD, Raghavi is a consultant for cultural rights collectives in India and Kenya, a Lecturer in International Human Rights Law at the University of East London, and a Senior Research Associate at Public International Law and Policy Group.