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LACMO is an autonomous research group within the Amsterdam Center for International Law that investigates the role of law, in particular public international law, in relation to a wide variety of military operations and security challenges. Below are some of their recent publications and media appearances.


Paul Ducheine, Peter Pijpers and Marten Zwanenburg authored a report on activities by the armed forces in the information environment. The report was commissioned by the Chief Information Officer of the Netherlands Ministry of Defence. The report is available on SSRN:

Tanden Voor de Leeuw – Een Voor Haar Doel en Op Haar Taak Berekende Krijgsmacht in de Informatie-Omgeving (Teeth for the Lion – An Armed Force Suited to Its Purpose and Task in the Information Environment)

In May, Ms. Andrada Florea started as an external PhD candidate. Her PhD project will look at the impact of the use of Artificial Intelligence on the ius ad bellum. How does the introduction of this technology influence how decisions to use force are taken by states and what consequences does this have for the law regulating the use of inter-state force? Supervisors are Marten Zwanenburg and Tom van Engers (professor of legal knowledge management, UvA and principal scientist, TNO).


Members in the media

Ducheine, P.A.L., Hanneke Klein-den Hertog, Hoogleraar over ontploffende piepers: Zo’n actie kan een ander niet zomaar even herhalen, in: RD 18 september 2024.

Ducheine, P.A.L., Kelly van Zuijdam, Ontplofte apparatuur is 'enorme klap' en 'vernedering' voor Hezbollah, in:, 18 sep 2024 om 20:17

Pijpers, B.J.M, Chris Conijn, RTL Nieuws, “Zeldzame inkijk in Russische desinformatie: 'Verzin zelf een verhaal' Interview: 17 September 2024

Zwanenburg, M. Aanval met piepers en portofoons in Israel [Television] NOS acht uur journaal. 19 September 2024

Zwanenburg, M. Ending Musk's dominance over internet at Ukraine's front lines? [Web] Follow the Money. 4 September 2024

Zwanenburg, M. De illegale russificatie van Marioepol [Television] Nieuwsuur. 22 June 2024

Zwanenburg, M. Mag een computer bepalen wie gebombardeerd wordt? [Web]. 6 April 2024