Law of Armed Conflict and Military Operations
29 January 2025
Marcus Hickleton is pursuing a Joint Doctorate from the University of Melbourne and the University of Amsterdam. He will be spending this calendar year at the UvA. His research focuses on the 'Accumulation of Events' doctrine in the context of State self-defence.
22-23 May 2025, Conference on the law applicable to the use of biometrics by armed forces, Tallinn, Estonia.
Gill, T.D., “The Jus ad bellum and the War in Gaza" in 27:3 Journal of International Peacekeeping (2024),249-263 published online on 20-12-2024
Pijpers, B.M.J. (2024) “Legislation as an Instrument of Cognitive Warfare”, in Aspects of Cognitive Warfare, The Defence Horizon Journal. November 2024.
Ducheine, P.A.L., and B.M.J. Pijpers (2024) Protecting the public core of the Internet: the Netherlands’ security perspective, in Dennis Broeders, Byoung Won Min, Arun Sukumar and In Tae Yoo (eds.) (2024) Protecting the Public Core of the Internet: Perspectives from the Netherlands and Republic of Korea. The Hague: The Hague Program on International Cyber Security. November 2024.
Zwanenburg, M., The Role of the Private Sector in Ensuring Respect for IHL, 8 October 2024.
Zwanenburg, M. and Trittenbach, J., Dutch District Court Judgment on Military Support to and Trade with Israel, 23 December 2024.
Zwanenburg, M. (25-12-2024). Onderzoekers: de Russische sabotage schuift op naar het Westen, ook richting Nederland [Web] NRC.
Zwanenburg, M. (31-10-2024). Waarom Israelisch wapentuig nog steeds in trek is bij het Nederlandse leger [Web] Dagblad Trouw.
Zwanenburg, M. (23-10-2024). Israel bombardeert historische stad Tyrus: 'Nieuwe stap in vernietiging' [Web] RTL Nieuws.
Zwanenburg, M. (15-10-2024). Palestijnen in Jabalia kunnen geen kant op: 'ik zit vast in mijn huis' [Web] NOS Nieuws.
Zwanenburg, M. (14-10-2024). Vijf vragen over de VN-vredemissie UNIFIL [Web] NOS Nieuws.
Zwanenburg, M. (14-10-2024). AI-drones veranderen strijd in Oekraïne: 'Geen andere keuze' [Web] NOS Nieuws.