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The Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL) is hiring two postdocs and a PhD researcher for our European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant project on the effectiveness of regional human rights regimes. The application deadline is 9 March and more information can be found below.

We are inviting prospective researchers to apply for three available positions within the ERC project ‘Beyond Compliance: Rethinking the Effectiveness of Regional Human Rights Regimes’, led by Dr. Dilek Kurban

In light of the growing authoritarian challenge to human rights, the project investigates the limitations and possibilities for regional human rights regimes to be effective in non-democratic contexts. Beyond Compliance investigates, based on an inter-disciplinary approach combining historical, legal and social science research, how the European, African and inter-American human rights regimes have developed and enforced their norms against states engaging in gross violations, legal repression, and/or systemic rule of law violations.

Three Vacancies