Brigadier-General Dr. Paul Ducheine MSc, LL.M. (1965) is the Professor for Cyber Operations and Cyber Security at the Netherlands Defence Academy and a Legal Advisor (Netherlands Army Legal Service). Currently, he is the chair of the War Studies Department (NLDA).
At the University of Amsterdam, he was named professor by special appointment of Law of Military Cyber Operations (2014-2024). Since 2004, he is a Senior Lecturer in 'Constitutional Law & the Armed Forces', and a researcher at the Amsterdam Centre for International Law (ACIL).
He is a Visiting Lecturer International Humanitarian Law (University of Amsterdam, - Maastricht and - Groningen), and vice-chair of the Netherlands Research Forum on the Law of Armed Conflict and Peace Operations (LACPO).
Brigadier-General Ducheine started his military career at the Royal Military Academy (1983-1988), and served subsequently as a Combat Engineer (41 Armoured Brigade (Germany), 12 Mechanized Brigade).
He joined the Army Legal Service in 1998 serving as Chief Legal Advisor in Headquarters MND (SW) SFOR (Bosnia-Herzegovina), 1 Netherlands Division ‘7 December’, and as a legal advisor in Headquarters 1 (German/Netherlands) Corps (Germany).
Prof. Ducheine holds a degree in Political Sciences (Amsterdam Free University, 1993, cum laude) and Law (University of Utrecht, 1998, cum laude). In 2008, he defended his PhD-thesis Armed Forces, Use of Force and Counter-Terrorism. A study of the legal aspects of the role of the armed forces in combating terror (org. Dutch) at the University of Amsterdam.
Subsequently, he was appointed as an Associate Professor of Military Law, at the Netherlands Defence Academy (2008-2012). In this term he conducted a field survey in Afghanistan (Uruzgan and Kandahar) in 2008. Most recently, he was an associate professor for Cyber Operations (2012-2015).
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