Maiko Meguro joined the Amsterdam Center for International Law in September 2016. Her research focuses on international law making with a focus on the causal working behind the process where states come to shape their commitment under a legal form of international law. By unpacking the process as well as deconstructing the assumptions pertaining to the states' behaviours on international law-making, she develops an account of legal bindingness that is applicable at international level. The research pursuits application of social science methodology (process-tracing) in legal questions, and aims to feed the finding back to re-construction of doctrinal concepts and theories of international law.
Research Fields :
Legal Theory | Sources of Law | Interdisciplinary Approaches to International Law | Law of International Organizations | Environmental Law | Trade and Investment Law | International Courts and Arbitrations | Transnational Law on Digital Technologies.
Professional Background:
She has been working in international treaty negotiations as well as policy makings of trade, digital technology and environment for Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan and DG CONNECT, the European Commission. She currently works at DG CONNECT on policy making and legal matters on blockchain/DLT technologies. During her time in METI, she served for COP/CMP processes under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Intergovernmental Panels of Climate Change(IPCC), WTO dispute settlement, and several investment related treaties including Trans-Pacific Partnership(TPP) and EU-Japan EPA.
She have also worked as a researcher at several institutions including the Energy Charter Treaty, Brussels. For editorial experiences, she is currently the theme developer on climate change (and other environment, energy resource related topic) of the Oxford database for International Organizations (OXIO).
Maiko has a LLM in Public International Law from the University of Amsterdam, and a Master's in International Relations(specialized in international law) from the University of Tokyo, Japan.