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Prof. G.K. (Göran) Sluiter

International criminal law
Faculty of Law
Criminal Law
Photographer: Monique Kooijmans

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15557
    1001 NB Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Göran Sluiter is professor of international criminal law at the University of Amsterdam. He is also professor of criminal law and procedure at the Open University in the Netherlands and lawyer and partner at Prakken D'Oliveira Human Rights Lawyers.

    He studied law at the University of Maastricht (1996) and obtained his PhD in international criminal law at Utrecht University (2002). He joined the University of Amsterdam as a senior lecturer in (international) criminal law in 2004 and become a Professor in international criminal law in 2006.


    Göran is principal investigator in the VICI funded research project 'Rethinking the Outer Limits of Secondary Liability for International Crimes and Serious Human Rights Violations' which runs from September 2018 until September 2023.

    Between 2006 and 2011, he was principal investigator in the VIDI funded research project 'International criminal procedure - In search of General Rules and Principles'.


    Göran's publications include:

    • Sluiter, G., & Tiernan, M. (2020). The Right to an Effective Defence During ECCC Investigations. Journal of International Criminal Justice18(3), 641-664. [details]
    • Sluiter, G., & Yau, S. S. M. (2020). Aiding and Abetting and Causation in the Commission of International Crimes: The Cases of Dutch Businessmen van Anraat and Kouwenhoven. In N. H. B. Jørgensen (Ed.), The International Criminal Responsibility of War’s Funders and Profiteers (pp. 304-328). Cambridge University Press.  [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2019). Twenty-Five Years of Contemporary International Criminal Justice. In A. Duval, E. Kassoti, G. K. Sluiter, & S. Parmentier (Eds.), Living up to International Criminal Law: State of Affairs, Prospects and Mandates (pp. 41-68). (Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht; No. 146), (Preadviezen). Asser Press. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2018). Enforcing Cooperation: Did the Drafters Approach It the Wrong Way? Journal of International Criminal Justice16(2), 383-402. [details]
    • Sluiter, G., Friman, H., Linton, S., Zappalà, S., & Vasiliev, S. (2013). International criminal procedure: principles and rules. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [details]


    Göran is the coordinator of the following courses at the Amsterdam Law School during the 2021-2022 academic year:

    International Criminal Tribunals - Procedural Aspects

    International Criminal Law Practice

  • Publications





    • Sluiter, G. (2019). Human Rights in International Criminal Proceedings: The Impact of the Judgment of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers of 26 April 2017. William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal, 27(3), 623-658. Article 3. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2019). Twenty-Five Years of Contemporary International Criminal Justice. In A. Duval, E. Kassoti, G. K. Sluiter, & S. Parmentier (Eds.), Living up to International Criminal Law: State of Affairs, Prospects and Mandates (pp. 41-68). (Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht; No. 146), (Preadviezen). Asser Press. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. K. (in press). Should we give the investigating judge a chance in international criminal proceedings? In S. Linton, & L. Daqun (Eds.), East West Perspectives on International Justice: Papers from Conferences in Beijing and Hangzhou China University of Political Science and Law Press.



    • Sluiter, G. (2017). International Criminal Tribunals and Their Relations to States. In A. Nollkaemper, & I. Plakokefalos (Eds.), The Practice of Shared Responsibility in International Law (pp. 212-235). (Shared Responsibility in International Law; Vol. 3). Cambridge University Press. [details]


    • Sluiter, G. (2014). Responding to cooperation problems at the STL. In A. Alamuddin, N. N. Jurdi, & D. Tolbert (Eds.), The Special Tribunal for Lebanon: law and practice (pp. 134-152). (Oxford monographs in international humanitarian and criminal law). Oxford University Press. [details]


    • Frencken, N., & Sluiter, G. (2013). The United Nations Criminal Tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda. In G. Zyberi (Ed.), An institutional approach to the responsibility to protect (pp. 386-410). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Sluiter, G., Friman, H., Linton, S., Vasiliev, S., & Zappalà, S. (2013). Editors' preface. In G. Sluiter, H. Friman, S. Linton, S. Vasiliev, & S. Zappalà (Eds.), International criminal procedure: principles and rules (pp. xiii-xvi). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Sluiter, G., Friman, H., Linton, S., Vasiliev, S., & Zappalà, S. (2013). Introduction. In G. Sluiter, H. Friman, S. Linton, S. Vasiliev, & S. Zappalà (Eds.), International criminal procedure: principles and rules (pp. 1-37). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • de Meester, K., Pitcher, K., Rastan, R., & Sluiter, G. (2013). Investigation, coercive measures, arrest, and surrender. In G. Sluiter, H. Friman, S. Linton, S. Vasiliev, & S. Zappalà (Eds.), International criminal procedure: principles and rules (pp. 171-380). Oxford University Press. [details]




    • Baudet, F. H., Huiberts-Van Dijk, S. A. M., Sluiter, G., & Vasiliev, S. V. (2010). The former Yugoslavia. In M. C. Bassiouni (Ed.), The pursuit of international criminal justice: a world study on conflicts, victimization and post-conflict justice (Vol. 2, pp. 879-956). Intersentia. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2010). Appearance of witnesses and unavailability of subpoena powers for the court. In R. Bellelli (Ed.), International criminal justice: law and practice from the Rome Statute to its review (pp. 459-472). Ashgate. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2010). Trends in the development of a unified law of international criminal procedure. In C. Stahn, & L. van den Herik (Eds.), Future perspectives on international criminal justice (pp. 585-599). T.M.C. Asser Press. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2010). Using the Genocide Convention to strengthen cooperation with the ICC in the Al Bashir case. Journal of International Criminal Justice, 8(2), 365-382. [details]


    • Fedorova, M., & Sluiter, G. (2009). Human rights as minimum standards in international criminal proceedings. Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, 3(1), 9-56. [details]
    • O'Neill, L., & Sluiter, G. (2009). The right to appeal a judgment of the Extraordinary Chambers in the courts of Cambodia. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 10(2), 596-630. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). The effects of the law of international criminal procedure on domestic proceedings concerning international crimes. In G. Sluiter, & S. Vasiliev (Eds.), International criminal procedure: towards a coherent body of the law (pp. 459-484). Cameron May. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. K. (2009). Human rights protection in the ICC pre-trial phase. In C. Stahn, & G. Sluiter (Eds.), The emerging practice of the International Criminal Court (pp. 459-476). (Legal aspects of international organization; No. 48). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. [details]
    • Stahn, C., & Sluiter, G. (2009). Introduction: From 'infancy' to emancipation? A review of the Court’s first practice. In C. Stahn, & G. Sluiter (Eds.), The emerging practice of the International Criminal Court (pp. 1-7). (Legal aspects of international organization; No. 48). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. [details]








    • Sluiter, G. (2016). State cooperation in the enforcement of sentences. In R. Mulgrew, & D. Abels (Eds.), Research handbook on the international penal system (pp. 229-249). (Research Handbooks in International Law). Edward Elgar. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2016). State “Cooperation Issues” in Arresting Al Bashir. In R. H. Steinberg (Ed.), Contemporary Issues Facing the International Criminal Court (pp. 124-137). Brill Nijhoff. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. K. (2016). Ad hoc international criminal tribunals (Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone). In W. Schabas (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to International Criminal Law (pp. 117-136). Ca,bridge University press.
    • Sluiter, G., & Talontsi, S. (2016). Credible and authoritative enforcement of state cooperation with the International Criminal Court. In O. Bekou, & D. J. Birkett (Eds.), Cooperation and the International Criminal Court: perspectives from theory and practice (pp. 80-113). (Nottingham Studies on Human Rights; Vol. 4). Brill Nijhoff. [details]


    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (Eds.) (2014). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 37: The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 2008-2009. Cambridge: Intersentia. [details]


    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (Eds.) (2013). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 30: The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 2006. Cambridge: Intersentia. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (Eds.) (2013). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 33: The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 2006-2007. Cambridge: Intersentia. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (Eds.) (2013). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 34: The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 2007. Cambridge: Intersentia. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (Eds.) (2013). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 36: The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 2009. Cambridge: Intersentia. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. K. (2013). Twee dimensies van dialectiek in het strafprocesrecht - de internationaal erkende mensenrechten en het internationaal strafprocesrecht. In D. Abels, M. M. Dolman, & K. C. J. Vriend (Eds.), Dialectiek van nationaal en internationaal strafrecht (pp. 187-214). Boom Juridische uitgevers. [details]
    • Sluiter, G., Friman, H., Linton, S., Zappalà, S., & Vasiliev, S. (Eds.) (2013). International criminal procedure: principles and rules. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [details]


    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (Eds.) (2012). Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals - Vol. 29: The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 2006. Cambridge: Intersentia. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (Eds.) (2012). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 28: The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 2005-2006. Cambridge: Intersentia. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (Eds.) (2012). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 35: The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 2007-2008. Cambridge: Intersentia. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (Eds.) (2012). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 38: The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 2009. Cambridge: Intersentia. [details]
    • Sluiter, G., & Vriend, K. (2012). Defending the 'undefendable'? Taking judicial notice of genocide. In H. G. van der Wilt, J. Vervliet, G. K. Sluiter, & J. T. M. Houwink ten Cate (Eds.), The Genocide Convention: the legacy of 60 years (pp. 81-93). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. [details]
    • van der Wilt, H. G., Vervliet, J., Sluiter, G. K., & Houwink ten Cate, J. T. M. (Eds.) (2012). The Genocide Convention: the legacy of 60 years. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. [details]


    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (Eds.) (2011). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 26: The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 2004-2005. Cambridge: Intersentia. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (Eds.) (2011). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 27: The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 2005. Cambridge: Intersentia. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (Eds.) (2011). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 31: The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 2007-2008. Cambridge: Intersentia. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (Eds.) (2011). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 32: The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda November-December 2008. Cambridge: Intersentia. [details]
    • Swart, B., Zahar, A., & Sluiter, G. (Eds.) (2011). The legacy of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [details]


    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (Eds.) (2010). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 19: The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 2003-2004. Antwerp: Intersentia. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. K. (Eds.) (2010). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 20: The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 2004. Antwerp: Intersentia. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. K. (Eds.) (2010). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 21: The Special Court for Sierra Leone, 2004-2006. Antwerp: Intersentia. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. K. (Eds.) (2010). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 23: The International Criminal Court, 2005-2007. Antwerp: Intersentia. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. K. (Eds.) (2010). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 25: The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 2006-2007. Antwerp: Intersentia. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2010). Atrocity crimes litigation: some human rights concerns occasioned by selected 2009 case law. Northwestern University Journal of International Human Rights, 8(3), 248-268. [details]
    • Sluiter, G., & Schabas, W. (2010). International Criminal Court: fourth report. International Law Association. [details]


    • Cassese, A., Acquaviva, G., Akande, D., Baig, L., Cryer, R., Dé, U., Gaeta, P., Geneuss, J., Gustafson, K., Jessberger, F., Bing Bing, J., Krähenmann, S., Ohlin, J., Pinzauti, G., Sluiter, G., Thalmann, V., & Zappalà, S. (Eds.) (2009). The Oxford companion to international criminal justice. Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (Eds.) (2009). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 16: Timor-Leste: special panels for serious crimes 2003-2005. Antwerp: Intersentia. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. K. (Eds.) (2009). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 22: The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 2005. Antwerp: Intersentia. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. K. (Eds.) (2009). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals - Vol. 24: The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 2005-2006. Antwerp: Intersentia. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). 'I beg you, please come testify': the problematic absence of subpoena powers at the ICC. New Criminal Law Review, 12(4), 590-608. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). The voluntary appearance of witnesses as a threat to the ICC. In Y. Ling (Ed.), Making peace through justice: essays on the new development of international criminal law (pp. 255-266). Beijing: World Affairs Press.
    • Sluiter, G. K., & Vasiliev, S. (Eds.) (2009). International criminal procedure: towards a coherent body of the law. [London]: Cameron May. [details]
    • Stahn, C., & Sluiter, G. K. (Eds.) (2009). The emerging practice of the International Criminal Court. (Legal aspects of international organization; No. 48). Leiden [etc.]: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. [details]


    • Sluiter, G. (2008). Karadžić on trial: two procedural problems. Hague Justice Journal, 3(2), 44-50. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2008). Karadžić on trial: two procedural problems. Journal of International Criminal Justice, 6(4), 617-626. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2008). Obtaining cooperation from Sudan: where is the law? Journal of International Criminal Justice, 6(5), 871-884. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. K., & Schabas, W. (2008). International Criminal Court, Third Report (on implementation of the ICC Statute in the national legal order and the 2009 review conference). London: International Law Association.





    • Sluiter, G. (2011). ICTY (T. Ch. II) (Decision on Johan Tarčulovski’s motion challenging jurisdiction, Prosecutor v. Boškoski et al.: case no. IT-04-82-PT). Case note on: ICTY, 1/06/05 Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, 27, 11-28. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2011). In Memoriam, Bert Swart. Leiden Journal of International Law, 24(2), 385-387. [details]
    • Sluiter, G., & Zahar, A. (2011). Introduction. In B. Swart, A. Zahar, & G. Sluiter (Eds.), The legacy of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (pp. 1-4). Oxford University Press. [details]


    • Sluiter, G. (2010). ICTR (Decision on Prosper Mugiraneza’s second motion to dismiss for deprivation of his right to trial without undue delay, Articles 19 and 20(4)(c) of the Statute of the Tribunal: the Prosecutor v. Casimir Bizimungu, Justin Mugenzi, Jérôme-Clément Bicamumpaka, Prosper Mugiraneza: case no. ICTR-99-50-T). Case note on: ICTR, 29/05/07 Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, 25, 419-438. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2010). ICTY (Decision of the president on the application for pardon or commutation of sentence of Miroslav Tadić: case no. IT-95-9). Case note on: ICTY, 3/11/04 Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, 20, 837-842. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2010). ICTY (Prosecutor v. Pavle Strugar: decision re the defence motion to terminate proceedings: case no. IT-01-42-T). Case note on: ICTY, 26/05/04 Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, 19, 187-206. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2010). ICTY (Prosecutor v. Vidoje Blagojević, Dragan Jokić: decision on the admission into the evidence of intercept-related materials: case no. IT-02-60-T). Case note on: ICTY, 18/12/03 Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, 19, 143-153. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2010). SCSL (Decision on Sesay: motion seeking disclosure of the relationship between governmental agencies of the United States of America and the Office of the Prosecutor: case no. SCSL-04-15-T). Case note on: SCSL, 2/05/05 Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, 21, 407-425. [details]


    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Adversarial v. inquisitorial model. In A. Cassese (Ed.), The Oxford companion to international criminal justice (pp. 230-234). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Arrest and surrender. In A. Cassese (Ed.), The Oxford companion to international criminal justice (pp. 250-252). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Bijzonder Gerechtshof Arnhem (Enkelsroth, 20-02-1948). Case note on: Bijzonder Gerechtshof Arnhem, 1/01/00 The Oxford companion to international criminal justice, 2009, 659-660. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie (Arlt, 07-11-1949). Case note on: Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie, 1/01/00 The Oxford companion to international criminal justice, 2009, 585-586. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie (Bellmer). Case note on: Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie, 20/03/50 The Oxford companion to international criminal justice, 2009, 603-604. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie (Fullriede, 10-01-1949). Case note on: Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie, 10/01/49 The Oxford companion to international criminal justice, 2009, 682-. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie (Haase). Case note on: Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie, 20/03/50 The Oxford companion to international criminal justice, 2009, 709-710. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie (Hinrichsen). Case note on: Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie, 6/02/50 The Oxford companion to international criminal justice, 2009, 725-. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie (Lages). Case note on: Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie, 12/07/50 The Oxford companion to international criminal justice, 2009, 791-792. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie (Pilz). Case note on: Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie, 5/07/50 The Oxford companion to international criminal justice, 2009, 872-. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie (Rauter, 12-01-1949). Case note on: Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie, 1/01/00 The Oxford companion to international criminal justice, 2009, 884-885. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie (Wintgen, 06-07-1949). Case note on: Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie, 6/07/49 The Oxford companion to international criminal justice, 2009, 973-974. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie (Zimmermann, 21-11-1949). Case note on: Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie, 1/01/00 The Oxford companion to international criminal justice, 2009, 981-983. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Cooperation of states with international criminal tribunals. In A. Cassese (Ed.), Oxford companion to international criminal justice (pp. 187-200). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). District Court of Dili, SPSC (Case No. 20/2001: Prosecuor v. Florencio Tacaqui, judgement). Case note on: District Court of Dili, SPSC, 9/12/04 Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, 16, 643-707. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Evidence. In A. Cassese (Ed.), The Oxford companion to international criminal justice (pp. 313-317). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). HR (Knezević). Case note on: HR, 11/11/97 The Oxford companion to international criminal justice, 2009, 761-. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). HR (Menten). Case note on: HR, 13/01/81 The Oxford companion to international criminal justice, 2009, 807-808. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Krijgsraad (B. (The Netherlands)). Case note on: Krijgsraad, 2/01/51 The Oxford companion to international criminal justice, 2009, 591-. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Krijgsraad (E. van E). Case note on: Krijgsraad, 2/01/51 The Oxford companion to international criminal justice, 2009, 652-. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Neubacher, 05-12-1949. Case note on: Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie, 5/12/49 The Oxford companion to international criminal justice, 2009, 841-842. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Offences against the administration of justice. In A. Cassese (Ed.), The Oxford companion to international criminal justice (pp. 444-445). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Proof (burden of). In A. Cassese (Ed.), The Oxford companion to international criminal justice (pp. 467-469). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Separate and dissenting opinions. In A. Cassese (Ed.), The Oxford companion to international criminal justice (pp. 510-511). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2009). Standard of proof. In A. Cassese (Ed.), The Oxford companion to international criminal justice (pp. 521-522). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Vasiliev, S., & Sluiter, G. K. (2009). Editors' preface. In G. Sluiter, & S. Vasiliev (Eds.), International criminal procedure: towards a coherent body of the law (pp. 3-10). Cameron May. [details]


    • Abels, D., de Meester, K., & Sluiter, G. (2008). Kroniek internationaal strafrecht 2007, deel 1. NJCM-Bulletin, 33(5), 689-706. [details]
    • Abels, D., de Meester, K., & Sluiter, G. (2008). Kroniek van het internationaal strafrecht 2007, deel 2. NJCM-Bulletin, 33(6), 840-855. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (2008). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals. - Vol. 13: Timor Leste: the special panels for serious crimes 2001-2003. Antwerp [etc.]: Intersentia. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (2008). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals. - Vol. 14: The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 2003. Antwerp [etc.]: Intersentia. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (2008). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals. - Vol. 15: The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 2003. Antwerp [etc.]: Intersentia. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (2008). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals. - Vol. 17: The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 2003-2004. Antwerp [etc.]: Intersentia. [details]
    • Klip, A., & Sluiter, G. (2008). Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals. - Vol. 18: The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 2004. Antwerp [etc.]: Intersentia. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2008). De onafhankelijkheid van de internationale strafrechter. Ars Aequi, 57(4), 272-278. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2008). Dili District Court, SPSC (Case No. 01/2000: Prosecutor v. João Fernandes, sentencing judgement). Case note on: Dili District Court, SPSC, 25/01/00 Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, 13, 115-205. [details]
    • Sluiter, G. (2008). ICTY (Case No. IT-96-21-A bis: Prosecutor v. Mucić: Order of the President in Response to Zdravko Mucić’s Request for Early Release). Case note on: ICTY, 9/07/03 Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, 14, 893-903. [details]



    • Baudet, F. H., Sluiter, G. K., Vasiliev, S. V., & van Dijk, S. (2008). Post Conflict Justice in the Former Yugoslavia. A case study. Conference paper tbv Promoting Justice and Fighting Impunity project. Paper presented at Promoting Justice and Fighting Impunity, Siracusa, Italy.

    Membership / relevant position

    Talk / presentation

    • Sluiter, G. (speaker) (24-6-2017). Modes of liability in domestic cases, Modes of liability in domestic cases, Hong Kong.


    • Hamilton, T. (participant), Sluiter, G. (organiser) & Touw, N. (organiser) (12-11-2021). Corporate Social Responsibility in the Netherlands, The Hague. Invited Speaker at Open University Conference ‘Corporate Social Responsibility in the Netherlands' (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Sluiter, G. (advisor) & Others, (advisor) (21-10-2020). Brief of international law scholars, former diplomats, and practitioners as amici curiae in support of respondent, United States Supreme Court (consultancy).
    • Sluiter, G. (examiner) (16-10-2020). Gedragsregels voor strafrechtadvocaten in de EU: Een gedragsrechtelijk perspectief op verdedigingsrechten (examination).
    • Donders, Y. (examiner) & Sluiter, G. (examiner) (8-2018 - 8-2022). PhD (examination).
    • Sluiter, G. (examiner) (24-5-2017). International cooperation in combating modern forms of maritime piracy: Legal and policy dimensions (examination).
    • Sluiter, G. (examiner) (24-3-2017). The Shared Protection of Human Rights at the International Criminal Court (examination).
    • Sluiter, G. (examiner) (19-12-2016). The Impact of Cooperation on the Rights of Defendants before the International Criminal Court (examination).
    • Sluiter, G. (examiner) (20-10-2016). Fair and Accurate Fact-finding in Dutch Atrocity Crime Cases (examination).
    • Sluiter, G. (examiner) (30-9-2016). Judicial Responses to Pre-trial Procedural Violations in International Criminal Proceedings (examination).
    • Sluiter, G. (examiner) (31-5-2016). Avoiding a Full Criminal Trial: Fair Trial Rights, Diversions, and Shortcuts in Dutch and International Criminal Proceedings (examination).
    • Sluiter, G. (examiner) (2-12-2015). The Contours of International Prosecutions: As Defined by Facts, Charges, and Jurisdiction (examination).
    • Sluiter, G. (examiner) (28-5-2015). International criminal tribunals and human rights law: Adherence and contextualization (examination).
    • Sluiter, G. (examiner) (17-9-2014). The Investigation Phase in International Criminal Procedure: In Search of Common Rules (examination).
    • Sluiter, G. (examiner) (25-4-2014). International Criminal Trials: A Normative Theory (examination).
    • Sluiter, G. (examiner) (7-9-2012). The Principle of Equality of Arms in International Criminal Proceedings (examination).
    • Sluiter, G. (examiner) (11-5-2012). Prisoners of the international community: the legal position of persons detained at international criminal tribunals (examination).
    • Sluiter, G. (examiner) (30-1-2009). Defence counsel in international criminal law (examination).


    • Ferioli, M. L. (2016). The impact of cooperation on the rights of defendants before the International Criminal Court. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Università di Bologna]. [details]
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