Professor of International Refugee Law
Professor of Public International Law at the Pakistan College of Law, Lahore, Pakistan
- UNHCR and Voluntary Repatriation of Refugees; A Legal Analysis, 1997, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague;
- UNHCRâs Worldwide Presence in the Field; A Legal Analysis of UNHCRâs Cooperation Agreements, (April) 2006, Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen;
- UNHCRâs Parallel Universe. Marking the Contours of a Problem, Vossius Press/Amsterdam University Press, 2010 (inaugural lecture series, no. 363).
Edited publications
- Editor of a report on âRestrictive Measures in Europeâ, written by the Working Group on Refugee Law of the Netherlands Branch of the International Law Association, April 1992 (with E.W. Vierdag);
- Peoples and Minorities in International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht 1993 (with C.M. Brölmann and R. Lefeber).
- âDe UNPO in bijzondere vergadering bijeenâ [Special Meeting of the Unrepresented Peoplesâ Organization], 4 VN Forum 1991, 8-10;
- âThe Concept of âGenerationsâ of Human Rights and the Right to Benefit from the Common Heritage of Mankind with Reference to Extraterrestial Realmsâ, 25 Verfassung und Recht in Ubersee 1992, 161-198;
- âVoluntary Repatriation: An Analysis of the Refugeeâs Right to Return to his own Countryâ, 44 Austrian Journal of Public and International Law 1992, 137-176;
- Contribution on refugee law to the National Advisory Board on Development Aid, published in the Advice of the Board on Refugees, Displaced Persons and Development Aid (Advies Vluchtelingen, ontheemden en ontwikkelingssamenwerking) (no. 102), August 1993;
- âStaten en Inheemse Volkenâ [States and indigenous peoples], 6 VN Forum 1993, 105-113 (with C.M. Brölmann);
- âIndigenous Peoplesâ, in C.M. Brölmann, R. Lefeber, M.Y.A. Zieck (eds.), Peoples and Minorities in International Law, Dordrecht, 1993, 187-220 (with C.M. Brölmann);
- âZikomo Malawiâ[On the voluntary repatriation of Mozambican refugees from Malawi], 7 VN Forum 1994, 9-12;
- âSome Remarks on the Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoplesâ, 8 Leiden Journal of International Law 1995, 105-113 (with C.M. Brölmann);
- âUNHCRâs âSpecial Agreementsââ, in J. Klabbers, R. Lefeber (eds.), Essays on the Law of Treaties. Essays in Honour of Bert Vierdag, 1998, 171-187 [This article has been included in J.C. Hathaway (ed.), Human Rights and Refugee Law, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013];
- âThe Panamanian Assumption of Full Control of the Administration of and Operation of the Panama Canalâ, 13 Leiden Journal of International Law 2000, 695-707;
- âCodification of the Law on Diplomatic Protection: the First Eight Draft Articlesâ, 14 Leiden Journal of International Law 2001, 209-232;
- âVeiligheidsraad-resolutie 1441 en de vraag naar de rechtmatigheid van unilateraal militair geweld tegen Irakâ [UN Security Council resolution 1441 and the question of the legality of unilateral military force against Iraq], Nederlands Juristen Blad 2002, No. 45-46, 2240-2241 (with J. van Wielink);
- âRegeren is vooruitzien: Turkse aanspraken op Noord Irak in het licht van een mogelijke oorlog tegen Irakâ [Turkish claims to Northern Iraq against the possibility of war against Iraq], Nederlands Juristen Blad 2003, No. 5, 232-233 (with J. van Wielink);
- âVoluntary Repatriation: Paradigm, Pitfalls, Progressâ, 23 Refugee Survey Quarterly 2004, 33-54 [This article was selected by Oxford University Press, celebrating its centenary as a publisher of learned journals, to form part of a collection of 100 seminal papers taken from 180 journals (2006)}
- âVanishing Points of the Refugee Law Regimeâ [response to James Hathaway], 20 Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 2005, 217-248 [also included in 26 Immigration and Nationality Law Review (University of Cincinnati College of Law) 2006];
- âMaterieelrechtelijke consequenties van UNHCRâs institutionele expansieâ [substantive legal consequences of UNHCRâs institutional expansion], 81 Nederlands Juristen Blad 2006, No. 37, 2121-2125;
- âDiplomatiek en Consulair Rechtâ [Diplomatic and Consular Law], in N. Horbach, R. Lefeber, O. Ribbelink (eds.), Hoofdstuk 9 in Handboek Internationaal Recht [Ch. 9 in Textbook Public International Law], Kluwer Law International, The Hague, 2007, 275-308;
- âIn the Aftermath of Voluntary Repatriation: the Fate of Afghan Refugees in Pakistanâ, 3 Pakistan Law Review 2007, 1-51;
- âToepassing relativiteitsvereiste strandt op eisen vluchtelingenverdragâ [On the meaning of âadmission as refugeeâ in the light of the object and purpose of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees in response to a judgment of the Netherlands Supreme Court], 83 Nederlands Juristenblad 2008, No. 21, 1283-1289;
- âThe Legal Status of Afghan Refugees in Pakistan, A Story of Eight Agreements and Two Suppressed Premisesâ, 20 International Journal of Refugee Law 2008, 253-273;
- âDoomed to Fail from the Outset? UNHCRâs âConvention Plus Initiativeâ Revisitedâ, 21 International Journal of Refugee Law 2009, 387-420;
- âUNHCRâs toezicht op de toepassing van het Vluchtelingenverdragâ [UNHCRâs supervision of the application of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees], Asiel & Migrantenrecht 2010, no. 2, 59-67;
- âAccession of Pakistan to the 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees: âSigning on Could Make All the Differenceââ, 5 Pakistan Law Review 2010, 1-54;
- âUNHCR and Turkey, and Beyond: of Parallel Tracks and Symptomatic Cracksâ, 22 International Journal of Refugee Law 2010, 593-622;
- âCommentary on Article 35 of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and Article II of the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugeesâ, in A. Zimmermann (ed.), Commentary on the 1951 Convention relating on the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol, Oxford University Press, 2011, 1459-1510;
- âCommentary on Article 36 of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and Article III of the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugeesâ, in A. Zimmermann (ed.), Commentary on the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol, Oxford University Press, 2011, 1511-1534;
- âExtraterritoriale werking voor UNHCRâs mandaatverklaringen: UNHCR zou zich er sterk voor moeten makenâ [response to article on inaugural lecture Zieck by UNHCR representative Netherlands], Asiel|& Migrantenrecht 2011, no. 10, 477-480;
- ââQuota refugeesâ, the Dutch Contribution to Global Burden-Sharing by Means of Resettlement of Refugeesâ, 39International Journal of Legal Information 2011, 130-163;
- âThe 1956 Hungarian Refugee Emergency, an Early and Instructive Case of Resettlementâ, 5 Amsterdam Law Forum 2013, 45-63;
- âThe Limitations of both Voluntary Repatriation and Resettlement of Refugeesâ, in V. Chetail C. Bauloz (eds.), Research Handbook on International Law and Migration, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2014, 562-585;
- âFrom Internment to Resettlement of Refugees: On US Obligations Towards MeK Defectors in Iraqâ (with Tom de Boer), 15 Melbourne Journal of International Law 2014, 21-108;
- âParticulier initiatief en de bescherming van vluchtelingen. Een Canadees voorbeeld dat navolging verdientâ, Ars Aequi, juni 2015, 424-436 [een zogenaamde âamuseâ];
- âICC Witnesses and Former Suspects Seeking Asylum in The Netherlands: An Overview of the Jurisdictional Battles Between the ICC and Its Host Stateâ, with Tom de Boer, 27 International Journal of Refugee Law 2015, 573-606;
- âIntroductory Note to Guidelines on International Protection No. 11: Prima Facie Recognition of Refugee Status (UNHCR)â, 54 International Legal Materials 2015 [American Society of International Law], 1115-1126;
- âThe European Refugee Crisis from a Vantage Point of Viewâ, 45 Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 2016, 3-9;
- âRefugees and Other Forcibly Displaced Personsâ, Terry Gill, Dieter Fleck, William Boothby, Alfons Vanheusden, eds, Leuven Manual on the International Law Applicable to Peace Operations, Cambridge University Press, December 2017, Ch. 4.4, 204-222, with Tom de Boer.
- James C. Hathaway, Marjoleine Zieck & Eighth Colloquium on Challenges in International Refugee Law, âThe Michigan Guidelines on Refugee Freedom of Movementâ, 39 Michigan Journal of International Law 2018, 5-17;
- âRefugees and the Right to Freedom of Movement: From Flight to Returnâ, 39 Michigan Journal of International Law 2018, 19-116;
- âOver toeval en impulsen in de vorming van het (inter)nationale vluchtelingenrechtâ [On coincidence and impulse in the formation of (inter)national refugee law], 293-303 in G.P. van Nifterik, J. de Vries, M. de Wilde (eds.), De Achterkant van Minerva, Amsterdam Law School, 2019 (Liber amicorum Prof. Dr. C.M. Cappon);
- âThe Legal Abyss of Discretion in Resettlement of Refugees: Cherry-Picking and the Lack of Due Process in the EUâ, with Tom de Boer, 32 International Journal Refugee Law 2020, 54-85;
- âReimagining Voluntary Repatriationâ, Ch. 59 in Cathryn Costello, Michelle Foster, Jane McAdam (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law, Oxford University Press, 2021, 1064-1079;
- âMijn rechtsheld: James Hathawayâ, 71 Ars Aequi (01), 2022, 4-5.