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Andrea Leiter

How value is measured has significant consequences on our societies. Experts from various disciplines concur that the current narrow financial perspective on value is not only perpetuating an unjust accumulation of wealth but also extractive practices that are detrimental to the planet. They agree that a fresh perspective on value is required. What could such a fresh perspective look like? And how to anker it in a historical contestation of social and environmental rights?

Rather than performing a grand narrative on value, in this presentation I locate blockchain-based Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) and token-engineering mechanisms as potential pathways for new valuation practices that measure and allocate value in a more fair and equitable way. By doing so, I hope to open a discussion on the relationship of economic value on the one hand and social and ecological values on the other.

Funded by an NWO VENI grant (2024-2027)

Dr. A. (Andrea) Leiter PhD

Faculty of Law

Public International Law