The research aims to address, in the context of these challenges, the roles of the treaty in international life, the technè of treaty making, and the operation as well as interpretation of treaties.
Output (Selection)
C Brölmann
- ‘Treaties, Provisional Application’ in Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (OUP), 2020 (, 11 pp, with G den Dekker.
- ‘Specialized Rules of Treaty Interpretation: International Organizations’ (revised) in Duncan B. Hollis (ed), The Oxford Guide To Treaties (Second rev edition), Oxford University Press 2020, p 524-544.
- ‘Typologies and the “Essential Juridical Character” of Treaties’ in: M Bowman and D Kritsiotis (eds), Conceptual and Contextual Perspectives on the Modern Law of Treaties, Cambridge University Press 2018, pp 79-102.
- ‘The Law of Treaties before Domestic Courts and Regional Human Rights Bodies’, in: PA Nollkaemper, A Reinisch, R Janik & F Simlinger (eds), International Law in Domestic Courts (Oxford, OUP, 2018), pp 197-242, with Chr Binder.
- ‘Brexit en bestaande verdragsverplichtingen’, in Nederlands Juristenblad, 1332-25 (20 June 2017): 1748.
- Dutch delegate member in the International Law Association Studygroup on Content And Evolution Of The Rules Of Interpretation (2019-present). + Author of Report on the interpretative practices of the Aarhus Compliance Committee (2020)
I Venzke
- ‘From Public International to International Public Law: Translating World Public Opinion into International Public Authority’, 27 European Journal of International Law (2016) (together with Armin von Bogdandy and Matthias Goldmann)
Output in progress
I Venzke
- ‘The Practice of Interpretation in International Law: Strategies of Critique.’ In: International Legal Theory: Foundations and Frontiers (edited by Jeff Dunoff & Mark A. Pollack, 2019)
2016 - 2020
- Catherine Brölmann
- Ingo Venzke